General Terms
- Art - Art
- Artist - Artiste
- Artwork - Oeuvre d'art
- Aesthetics - Esthétique
- Exhibition - Exposition
- Gallery - Galerie
- Museum - Musée
- Studio - Atelier
- Style - Style
- Technique - Technique
- Art Criticism - Critique d'art (analysis and evaluation of art)
- Biennale - Biennale (major exhibition held every two years)
- Curator - Commissaire d'exposition (oversees exhibitions)
- Patron - Mécène (financial supporter of the arts)
- Performance Art - Art performance (art created through action)
- Public Art - Art public (art displayed in public spaces)
- Renaissance - Renaissance (artistic and cultural rebirth in Europe)
Elements of Art
- Line - Ligne
- Shape - Forme
- Color - Couleur
- Value - Valeur
- Texture - Texture
- Space - Espace
- Proportion - Proportion (relationship of sizes between parts)
- Balance - Équilibre (visual weight distribution)
- Harmony - Harmonie (pleasing arrangement of elements)
- Emphasis - Focalisation (drawing attention to a specific element)
- Rhythm - Rythme (repetition and movement)
- Negative Space - Espace négatif (unused space around objects)
Art Forms
- Painting - Peinture
- Sculpture - Sculpture
- Drawing - Dessin
- Photography - Photographie
- Printmaking - Gravure
- Film - Film
- Music - Musique
- Dance - Danse
- Theater - Théâtre
- Literature - Littérature
- Digital Art - Art numérique (created using technology)
- Architecture - Architecture (design and construction of buildings)
- Performance Art - Art performance (art created through action)
- Installation Art - Installation (art occupying a specific space)
- Textile Art - Art textile (art using fibers and fabric)
- Street Art - Art urbain (art created in public spaces)
- Graphic Design - Design graphique (visual communication)
- Fashion Design - Design de mode (clothing design)
- Industrial Design - Design industriel (product design)
Art Movements
- Impressionism - Impressionnisme
- Cubism - Cubisme
- Surrealism - Surréalisme
- Expressionism - Expressionnisme
- Pop Art - Pop Art
- Abstract Art - Art abstrait
- Baroque - Baroque (dramatic and emotional style)
- Romanticism - Romantisme (emphasis on emotion and nature)
- Realism - Réalisme (depiction of everyday life)
- Symbolism - Symbolisme (use of symbols to convey meaning)
- Minimalism - Minimalisme (emphasis on simplicity)
- Postmodernism - Postmodernisme (challenge to traditional forms)
- Conceptual Art - Art conceptuel (idea-based art)
- Abstract Expressionism - Expressionnisme abstrait (focus on emotion and gesture)
Other Useful Words
- Brush - Pinceau
- Canvas - Toile
- Clay - Argile
- Palette - Palette
- Composition - Composition
- Perspective - Perspective
- Medium - Médium
- Performance - Performance
- Installation - Installation
- Restoration - Restauration
- Grant - Subvention
- Chisel - Ciseau (tool for carving)
- Easel - Chevalet (stand for holding a canvas)
- Palette Knife - Spatule (used for mixing paint)
- Sketchbook - Carnet de croquis (book for preliminary drawings)
- Brushstroke - Coup de pinceau (mark made with a brush)
- Genre - Genre (category of art based on subject)
- Portrait - Portrait (representation of a person)
- Landscape - Paysage (representation of a natural scene)
- Still Life - Nature morte (representation of inanimate objects)
- To be inspired by - Être inspiré(e) par (to find motivation from)
- To break the mold - Briser le moule (to challenge conventions)
- To fund the arts - Financer les arts (to provide financial support)
- To promote art - Promouvoir l'art (to raise awareness and appreciation)
- To engage with art - S'engager avec l'art (to actively participate with art)
- To interpret art - Interpréter l'art (to assign meaning to artwork)
- To capture a moment - Capturer un moment (to depict a fleeting scene)
- To tell a story through art - Raconter une histoire à travers l'art (to use art as a narrative medium)
- To experiment with techniques - Expérimenter avec des techniques (to try new artistic methods)
- To develop one's artistic voice - Développer sa voix artistique (to find a unique style)
- To collaborate on a project - Collaborer sur un projet (to work together on an artwork)
Exhibition & Reception
- To curate an exhibition - Commissarier une exposition (to organize and present an art show)
- To be on display - Être exposé(e) (to be presented in an exhibition)
- To generate critical acclaim - Susciter l'acclamation critique (to receive positive reviews)
- To spark controversy - Susciter la controverse (to cause debate or disagreement)
- To connect with an audience - Établir un lien avec le public (to resonate with viewers)
Art Market
- To acquire a piece of art - Acquérir une œuvre d'art (to purchase artwork)
- To commission an artwork - Commander une œuvre d'art (to pay an artist to create a specific piece)
- To invest in art - Investir dans l'art (to buy artwork with the expectation of future value)
- To auction an artwork - Mettre une œuvre d'art aux enchères (to sell artwork through a bidding process)
- To authenticate a piece of art - Authentifier une œuvre d'art (to verify its origin and genuineness)