Troubleshooting: Why Can't I See My Classes (Events) on the Calendar?

2 min. readlast update: 04.29.2024

We understand that sometimes your online classes might not appear on your calendar. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

1. Check Your Login Credentials:

  • Make sure you're logging in with the exact email address and password we sent you. Double-check for any typos or capitalization errors.

2. Disable Your Work VPN (if applicable):

  • If you're using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for work access on your computer, it might interfere with the calendar. Try disabling the VPN and refreshing the page. Alternatively, try logging in from a different computer that doesn't use a VPN.

3. Contact Us for Further Assistance:

  • If you've tried the above steps and still can't see your classes, please contact us directly. Let us know the email address you're using to log in. This will help us investigate the issue further and provide a solution.

Additional Tips:

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes outdated data can cause display issues. Clearing your cache and cookies might help.
  • Refresh the page: A simple refresh can often resolve minor glitches.

We hope these troubleshooting tips help! By following these steps, you should be able to access your online class schedule and join your MS Teams virtual classrooms with ease.

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