What happens when my instructor is absent?

2 min. readlast update: 03.26.2024

Managing Instructor Absences in Your Language Training Program

Understanding the procedure for instructor absences is crucial to ensuring your language training experience is seamless and uninterrupted. At Knowledge Circle, we prioritize continuity in your learning journey, even in the unexpected event of an instructor’s absence. Here’s how we handle such situations to keep your progress on track

Immediate Replacement Protocol

  • Seamless Continuity: In the rare instance that your instructor cannot attend a scheduled class, rest assured that your learning will not be impacted. We have a robust system in place for providing a qualified replacement instructor to conduct the class as planned, ensuring no disruption to your learning schedule.

  • Prepared and Informed Replacements: All replacement instructors are briefed with the necessary information about your course, your progress, and any specific needs you might have. This preparation guarantees that the substitute instructor is not only a perfect fit for the class but also equipped to provide a seamless continuation of your learning experience.

Identifying Your Replacement Instructor

  • Stay Informed Through Your Schedule: Curious about who your replacement instructor will be? We’ve made it easy for you to find out. Simply visit the MyLearningMyway (MLMW) website and check your schedule. We update the instructor information as soon as a replacement is confirmed, ensuring you’re always informed.

In Case of Access Issues

  • Troubleshooting MS Teams Access: If you encounter any issues accessing your virtual classroom on MS Teams—such as not being admitted by the instructor—please give it a few minutes and try again. Occasionally, there might be slight delays as replacement instructors manage the setup.

  • Immediate Assistance via Live Chat: Should the problem persist, or if you have any concerns or questions about the replacement process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the live chat feature on the MLMW website. Our team is ready to assist you promptly, ensuring that you can join your class without further issues.

Our Commitment to Your Learning

Your education and satisfaction with the language training program are our top priorities. We are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to succeed, including ensuring that instructor absences do not hinder your learning journey. Our responsive and flexible approach to handling such situations is a testament to our dedication to your progress and achievement.


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