Your Right to Express Concerns

4 min. readlast update: 03.30.2024

we want to underscore a fundamental aspect of our educational ethos: your voice matters, deeply and unequivocally.

Affirming Your Right to Speak Up

  • Open Door Policy: At any point during your training, should you encounter any issues, concerns, or situations where you feel uncomfortable or threatened, we urge you to speak up. We uphold an open door policy, meaning that our team is ready and eager to hear from you—whether it's feedback on the course, an interaction with staff or fellow learners, or any other concerns affecting your learning experience.

  • Accessibility and Support: Reaching out for help or to express concerns is not only your right but a practice we encourage. Every member of our organization, from instructors to administrative staff, is accessible and committed to your well-being and success. We ensure there are multiple channels available for you to voice your concerns, including direct email, a dedicated feedback platform, and anonymous reporting options, if preferred.

  • But Did You Know? The Most Efficient Way to File a Complaint or Report a Concern

    While we offer various channels to express your concerns, we highly recommend using Assist, our 24/7 AI chatbot accessible through the live chat icon located on the bottom right corner of your screen at Here's why using Assist is the most efficient way to address your complaint or issue:

    • Speed and Convenience: Assist is available 24/7, allowing you to report your concern at your earliest convenience. No need to wait for business hours or email response times.
    • Direct Resolution: Assist has access to a vast knowledge base and can often answer your questions or resolve minor issues directly.
    • Seamless Redirection: For more complex concerns, Assist will expertly redirect you to the most appropriate person or resource within our organization to address your issue swiftly. This could involve connecting you to a live chat with the correct staff member or creating a service ticket to ensure your concern reaches the right team.
    • Human Touch When Needed: Even though Assist is a powerful AI tool, it prioritizes connecting you with a real person when your concern requires a more nuanced human touch.

    By using Assist, you can be confident that your complaint or issue will be heard as quickly and efficiently as possible. You'll be connected with the most qualified person to address your concern, ensuring a timely resolution.

Our Commitment to Action

  • Prompt and Considerate Response: Recognizing the importance of a safe and conducive learning environment, we are dedicated to addressing all concerns swiftly and effectively. Our commitment is not just to listen but to act—to ensure that every learner's experience is positive, respectful, and enriching.

  • Continuous Improvement: Your feedback is a crucial component of our continuous improvement process. By expressing your concerns, you contribute significantly to enhancing the quality of our training program, making it more responsive and tailored to learner needs.

Building a Culture of Respect and Safety

  • Collective Responsibility: We believe in fostering a culture where expressing concerns is seen as a collective responsibility towards creating a positive and supportive learning environment. It's about looking out for one another, ensuring everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.

  • Confidentiality and Respect: Rest assured, any concern raised is treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect. We are here to support you, providing a safe space to address and resolve any issues without fear of reprisal or judgment.

Your Role in Shaping Our Community

As a valued member of our learning community, your insights, experiences, and well-being are pivotal to the shared success of our program. By empowering your voice, we strengthen our community, ensuring that our learning environment remains a space where respect, safety, and mutual support are paramount.

We encourage you to embrace this right to express concerns, knowing that in doing so, you are not only advocating for yourself but contributing to the ongoing enhancement of our learning environment for all.

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